2017 Reading Goals
2016 was an incredible reading year for me! I read so many amazing books and I am hoping that 2017 will only be better. This year I have decided to set some goals so I can have more direction when I am deciding to pick up a new book. I really struggled in knowing what I wanted to read in 2016, so I ended up reading random (yet fabulous) books. I really hope in 2017 to broaden my reading horizons with these goals.
My first goal for 2017 is to read 50 books. I know this is a goal I can easily achieve, as I have done it the past two years.
I spent a lot of money on books in 2016. There were quite a few months where a spent $50+ on books. While I was buying them lots of books at bargain price, that is still a decent amount of money to spend. In 2017 I hope to spend no more than $20 per month on books.
It quickly came to my attention last semester that I have read very few classics. My goal for 2017 is to read 5 classics (If you have any recommendations please comment them below!) In my literature class we are receiving 4 independent reading projects and they must be centered around classics, so it is important that I get reading!
I hope to post 2 times a week on this blog. I started this blog back in November 2016 and I only had one post on it until January 2nd when I decided it was time to really jump in. I have set up a bit of a schedule, so I am hoping to post every Tuesday and Thursday. On that note, you should subscribe so you never miss one of my new posts. I am really excited for all the things I have planned.
Lastly, I have some specific goals I would like to accomplish. The first is that I finish the entire Harry Potter series this year. Similar to that, secondly I would like to complete the Vampire Academy series this year. Lastly, I hope to re-read the Percy Jackson series. I have read all the books about 4 times, but not in a few years, so I hope to re-read them in 2017.
Those are all of my 2017 goals! What are your reading goals for this year? Comment them down below. I would love to hear from you!
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