Books Set in a Different Country Than Your Own

Books Set in a different Country than your Own
Hey Y’all! I am in a new Goodreads group called Fill-Me-In Friday and I am super excited to be participating in upcoming weeks! (Find the group here) This week’s theme is “Books Set in a Different Country than Your Own”. I live in the United States, so I am counting all books that are set elsewhere (with the exception of fantasy worlds).  I had a great time answering these this week! Feel free to leave your answers in the comments below!
1) What was the last book you read relating to this topic? The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh. This book is set in Khorasan, a province near modern day Iraq, in the later years before the common era. It is a retelling of “A Thousand and One Nights”, following a feisty main character that is seeking revenge for her best friend’s murder. I gave this book 5/5 stars.
2) What is the next book you think you'll read relating to this topic? Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin. This novel is set in Germany in the 1950s and considers what life would be life if Hitler and the Axis powers had won. We follow a girl that is going on a mission to win a cross-continental motorcycle race in the hopes to kill Hitler. I have just started this one and I am super excited to get more into it.
3) What is the best book you've ever read relating to this topic? All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. All the Light We Cannot See is set in Germany and France during World War II. The main characters are two children that we get to see grow up on different sides of the war. This novel is stunning and I recommend it everyone! I gave it 4/5 stars.
4) What is the worst book you've ever read relating to this topic? And I Darken by Kristen White. And I Darken takes place in the Ottoman Empire during 1400s. I thought this book was okay, but I was promised a gender bent Vlad the Impaler story, and I feel like this fell short. There was lots of feminine, romantic, and familial themes, which was not what I was expecting. I gave this book 3/5 stars. I might have loved it more if I had a better understanding of the novel before going into it.  
5) What's your favourite cover of a book relating to this topic? A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. I read this book for class a few years ago and I loved it! It tells the story of two people, one a refugee in Sudan and the other a girl that walks hours a day for water.  It was incredibly real and it gave me a new appreciation for my life. I love the cover because of the vibrant colors, the landscape, and the title font.
(Image copied from Goodreads.)

Do you have any answers for these questions? Please comment them below! I would love to hear from you!


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