Popular Books I Own and Have Not Read

Ten Popular Books I Own and Have Not Read
There are so many fabulous and beloved books out there! While I have read a lot of them, there are some major ones that I have not been able to enjoy yet. Here are my top 10 popular books I own, but have not gotten around to yet.
  1. Throne of Glass- I read the first two books of A Court of Thorns and Roses last year and they both made my top book of 2016 list. Yet, here I am, months later, having not read Sarah J. Maas’s more popular series. I am hoping to get into them soon because I just found the second one at my library! Hopefully this will motivate me to get into this series…
  2. Harry Potter- Okay, I tried to read these. I got to the fifth book and lost all interest. I feel like a terrible person for saying this, but I might never finish this series. Whoops!
  3. Pride and Prejudice- Here is everyone’s favorite classic, still sitting on my TBR. I have tried reading this one on three different occasions, in three different formats, but nothing caught my interest. I am thinking about re-trying soon, but I am not sure if I really want to.
  4. The Night Circus- I bought this book over a year ago and have still not read it. The premise sounds so good, but I keep forgetting about it. Maybe posting on here that I want to read it soon will make me commit to doing it.
  5. Truthwitch- Again, another book I bought that I thought sounded amazing. I was telling myself I was waiting for the next book to come out, but it was released back in January. Who knows what is keeping me from reading it now.
  6. The Unexpected Everything- Uggghhh. This one kills me. I love Morgan Matson, yet I still have not read this one. I am thinking about taking it to the beach with me over spring break. The sand and the sun could put me in the mood to read it!
  7. Night Film- I do not know much about this book, but I know it is deeply loved by many. I found it on sale for a dollar a while ago, but never found myself reading it. I have no idea if I will ever make my way around to reading it, but I sure hope I do.
  8. Twilight- Having said I have never read this makes me feel like a terrible teenager. I haven’t even watched the movies! I really just want to read these so that I can say that I did it.
  9. Life of Pi- This book has always flown just under my radar. I remember when the movie won a whole bunch of awards, so I bought the book. I am not sure how I feel about actually reading it, but I know a few people who have told me it is a must-read.
  10. The Great Gatsby- I’m putting this one at the bottom in the hopes nobody gets this far to see. I am so embarrassed to have not read this one! It is so short, so it should be easy to read, but have I picked it up? No.
That’s it for the popular books I own and have not read! What popular books have you not read? Please comment below! I would love to hear from you!
