Bibib 2017 | Blogger Book Tag

Blogger Book Tag (Summer Bibib 2017)
1. What are you planning to read for the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?
I have a blog post where I go into detail about my TBR. The link is HERE! Go check it out!
2. What is your favourite genre to read in Summer?
I love reading high fantasy because I have time to dive into and get more involved in a series!
3.Where is your favourite place to read in the summer?
I love reading in my room! I have a chair right under my window and it is the perfect place to read!
4.What is your favourite challenge done in the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?
I always love reading the group book because it makes the read-a-thon seem more like a community!
5.What fictional character would you hang out in the summer if you could?
Percy Jackson so I could go to camp Half Blood!
6.What are your plans for summer?
I just got back from a 6 day trip to the PNW where I went hiking in Olympic Nat’l Park, Mt. Saint Helens, and Multnomah Falls. I also rode horses on the beach in Ocean Shores, Washington, went to my cousin’s wedding, went paddle boarding, and explored Portland and Seattle! It was the trip of a lifetime!
7.Do you have summer reading playlist,If not what would be on it?
I do not, but it would probably have lots of country music on it!
8.What is your favourite summer movie?
The Bourne Identity. I watch it every summer after my post-VBS crash.
9.What book do you read every summer,if not what thing do you do every summer?
I don’t often re-read books, so none, but I always help with VBS, which is a week long summer camp at my church.
10.What other book tags are you planning to do this summer?
I’m not sure (my planning has been subpar lately with all of my travels), but here are some links to tags I have done recently! Mid Year Book Freakout Tag, Coffee Book Tag, OMG This Song Book Tag.

What have you done this summer? Comment down below, I would love to hear from you!
